Vooaxis market
Sell individual assetsShare your work and start earning.
Become part of an inspiring, talented community of creators and interact with creators around the world as you diversify your income and live doing what you love.
What items you can sell on LayerPlots
Top-quality, trendy digital assets with high commercial demand, from video templates and motion graphics to audio, footage and photos.
Things you can do with Layer Plots.
Make high quality creative products you want to sell and upload them to our platform.
@enjoy creative freedom
@creative author
They’re your customers, so we make it easy for you to stay in touch with them.
@Keep up with customers
Go exclusive to earn more. Want to stay non exclusive? No problem!
@exclusive author
Keep control over your product prices and change them at anytime.
@Set your own prices
We’ll make sure your products are delivered safely and securely to your customers.
@Instant delivery
Creative item
Creative item
Put your creativity to work. Become a Layer Plots Creator.
Welcome to LaverPlots Multi vendor Marketplace. Sell any kind of Digital Product you Wish